Alma Carraovejas, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, maintains its commitment to reduce CO2 emissions. Since 2021, we have been voluntarily calculating our Carbon Footprint in its three scopes. This allows us to know and, above all, to work on the emissions that are being generated during the manufacturing process and thus be able to take measures that allow us to reduce greenhouse gases in the short and medium term.

The ISO 14064 standard is the methodology used by Alma to calculate its carbon footprint. It quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the organization. This standard separates gas emissions into three scopes. Scope 1 corresponds to direct emissions from fuel consumption; Scope 2 includes indirect emissions from energy purchased for electricity; and Scope 3 groups the remaining indirect emissions from the purchase and transportation of goods necessary for the development of the activity.

As a result, during this time, we have managed to reduce our Scope 2 emissions to practically zero. This has been thanks to our commitment to purchase electricity with Guarantees of Origin from renewable sources.

Likewise, in the last year we have achieved a 12% reduction in emissions with respect to our base year, 2021.

This set of measures is grouped in the decarbonization plans or emission reduction plans in which specific actions and deadlines are established for each winery in order to guarantee the objectives set.

Now, once this important reduction in Scope 2 has been achieved, efforts will focus on taking measures to reduce Scope 1 through the reduction of fossil fuels, remodeling the vehicle fleet. Also in Scope 3 through, for example, the study of a reduction in the weight of the different bottles. For all this, we are working with all the technical departments and different departments of our organization.

In addition to calculating the footprint, Alma verifies these results, which allows us to register our data with the Ministry of Ecological Transition and to have the Calculo seal in Marañones and Viña Meín – Emilio Rojo, the Calculo + Reduzco seal in the case of Pago de Carraovejas, Ossian and Milsetentayseis, and in the most recent projects, Aiurri and Tricó, we are working to achieve this seal in the coming years.

The calculation of the footprint is a powerful tool to detect environmental improvements during the production process of our products. The global objective is to become climate neutral or Net Zero by 2050, which will require the effort and collaboration of the entire organization