Internal Information System and Ethics Channel

What is the Internal Information System and its ethical channel?
The Internal Information System (hereinafter the “IIS”) of Alma Carraovejas is the means of communication through which, through the ethics channel enabled, contact is made with the Ethics Committee of Alma, the company body responsible for ensuring compliance with the Protocol for Prevention and Action against mobbing and harassment in the workplace, cyberbullying and sexual and/or gender-based harassment, the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, February 2, 2007, cyberbullying and sexual and/or gender-based harassment, the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Supplier Code of Conduct and compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption (the “Whistleblower Protection Law”).
What is the SII and its ethical channel for?
The SII is used to report through the ethics channel, the commission, on behalf of the company or within the company, of both criminal conduct in accordance with current legislation, and unethical conduct that could be criminal in accordance with our Protocol for Prevention and Action against mobbing, cyberbullying and sexual harassment and / or gender-based harassment, the Anti-Corruption Policy, the Code of Conduct for suppliers and current legislation. All this, always produced in a labor or professional context.

Who can use the ethical channel?
The use of the ethical channel is intended for employees, suppliers and customers of Alma Carraovejas.
This policy shall apply to informants; that is, to any person, from the three groups mentioned above, who makes a communication through the SII’s ethical channel about possible infractions and/or breaches of the provisions of the Protocol of operation of the SII and its Ethical Channel, which we will see attached below along with the other protocols and policies mentioned above and which are applicable.