
Caring for a better world

1. ISO 14001

1. ISO 14001

Alma Carraovejas Environmental Management System is governed by the ISO 14001 standard.

An international standard that aims to help us improve our environmental performance by identifying and controlling our environmental impacts, enabling us to comply with legal regulations and increase our resource efficiency.

2. Carbon footprint calculation

2. Carbon footprint calculation

We calculate the carbon footprint of all the wineries and the restaurant, covering scopes 1, 2 and 3 according to ISO 14064.

This analysis allows us to identify the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with each product used in the winemaking process, from the cultivation of the grapes to the delivery of each reference to the final consumer.

Once this calculation is completed, we develop decarbonization plans that allow us to implement improvements in raw material purchasing decisions, energy efficiency, water management or waste management.

3. International Wineries for Climate Action

3. International Wineries for Climate Action

The IWCA Certification endorses us as an internationally sustainable project, supporting our commitment to the environment.

In addition, IWCA is a collaborative working group that brings together wineries from around the world determined to adopt a scientific approach to reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.

We have been a member of this association since 2020, and since 2022 we have held the GOLD distinction, its highest category in commitment level, thanks to our GHG emission reductions, our renewable energy sources and our goal to be climate neutral by 2050.

4. Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection

4. Sustainable Wineries for Climate Protection

This certification scheme developed by the Spanish Wine Federation is aimed at promoting the sustainability of wineries, evaluating four dimensions: environmental, social, economic and governance, very much in line with our policy of the fivefold profit and loss account.

For Alma, it is a solid and reliable tool to promote the international recognition of the wineries, certifying our work in sustainability in an external and independent manner, as well as providing us with differential value that helps us to complement our image and that of our references, as it is a seal recognized by the distribution.

The wineries Pago de Carraovejas, Ossian Vides y Vinos, Milsetentayseis, Viña Meín-Emilio Rojo and Aiurri have this certification.

Race to Zero

As members of the International Wineries for Climate Action Association, we are adhering to the United Nations Race to Zero global campaign, committing to becoming climate neutral by 2050.

We will achieve this by reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as much as possible, thanks to our decarbonization plans, and once these are reduced, offsetting the remaining emissions with CO₂ absorption programs.