Corporate Social Responsibility

Working for the benefit of all

1. Sustainability Report

1. Sustainability Report

Every year we publish the Alma Carraovejas Sustainability Report, which reflects our commitment to the five-fold bottom line management model (people, ethical governance, economic growth, society and the environment).

The Alma Carraovejas Sustainability Report is prepared “in accordance” with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard and our dual materiality analysis.

Sustainability Reports History

Sustainability Reports History

CSR Report 2023

CSR Report 2022

CSR Report 2021

CSR Report 2020

CSR Report 2019

2. B Corp

2. B Corp

Alma Carraovejas was the first group of wine and gastronomic projects to join this movement in Spain. A purpose that was born out of desire and conviction and values aligned from its origin with the culture of care and protection of the environment.

The verification process has been complex because it has been carried out by incorporating, in a pioneering manner, all the projects that make up Alma Carraovejas: Pago de Carraovejas in Peñafiel, Valladolid; Ossian Vides y Vinos in Nieva, Segovia; Milsetentayseis in Fuentenebro, Burgos; Viña Meín – Emilio Rojo in Leiro, Ourense; Aiurri in Leza, Álava; Bodega Marañones in San Martín de Valdeiglesias, Madrid; Ambivium Restaurant with a Michelin Star and the Green Star; to which must be added the distributor and importer of singular wines Alma Carraovejas Distribución.

Being a B Corp implies a long evaluation process based on high social and environmental standards, and forces companies to review their policies, their alliances and to make this information available to society as a whole. It is not a one-off change, but a process of constant observation and transformation based on continuous improvement to transform the system and create a fairer, more inclusive and regenerative economy.

What distinguishes B Corp is that it analyzes and verifies a company’s social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. To achieve certification, Alma Carraovejas has carried out a rigorous analysis of its impact at all levels: employees, community, suppliers, customers, shareholders and the environmental surroundings of each project.

Becoming a B Corp is not the goal, but the continuity of a work started some time ago at Alma Carraovejas. This achievement shows our present commitment to guarantee a better future for the next generations.

3. SGE 21

3. SGE 21

The SGE 21 standard is an ethical and socially responsible management system that helps us integrate sustainable criteria into our strategy and operations. It provides a framework for assessing and improving environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, promoting our corporate responsibility.

By adopting this standard, it has enabled us to increase our competitiveness, improve our image and meet the expectations of our stakeholders (senior management, employees, customers, suppliers, the social environment, the environment, investors, competitors and public administrations). It also helps to promote transparency and accountability in the management of our organization.

We have held this certification since 2013.

4. Family Responsible Company

4. Family Responsible Company

What does it mean to be a Family Responsible Company?

Work-life balance is the balance between employees’ professional responsibilities and their personal and family needs. Proper management of this variable will allow us to improve our ability to attract and retain talent, increasing employee commitment and happiness, equality between women and men, a good working environment and satisfaction.

All this, with the ultimate goal of improving the personal and family relationships of employees, efficiency, productivity and reputation of Alma and all the projects that comprise it. The work-life balance measures are applicable to the entire Alma Carraovejas workforce, and Pago de Carraovejas has held this certificate since 2015.

Since 2016 we have been certified in the FRC Model (1000-2) and two years later we achieved the highest category A+. A management system aimed at establishing a voluntary self-regulation of the company in the coordination of people related to quality in employment, temporal and spatial flexibility, support for families, personal and professional development and equal opportunities.

The main objective of this model is to define a series of benefits designed to meet the needs demanded by employees, which has given rise to the FRC Measures Catalog, which we renew annually taking into account the particularities of each project and the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Through these measures we try to offer an improvement in the quality of life and well-being of our employees and their families, through the reconciliation of personal and work life, developing actions that go beyond what is required by law.